Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"The Seven Most Disturbing Stories I Have Read So Far"

I realize booktubers on are pushing new books to get views.

But I note a recurring trend: a tuber discussing six novels released in the last--being generous here--5 years, and titling their piece something like "The Most Disturbing Books I Have Ever Read."

I'm not here to point out the jejunosity of all this.

I am here to pile on, too. 😏 

My seven picks are not novels, which should surprise no one who follows my blog. 

Criteria: eliciting a gasp or two, and horripilation.

1. "The Withered Arm" (1888) by Thomas Hardy

2. "The New Mother" (1882) by Lucy Clifford

3. "Lord of the Fleas" (2012) by Reggie Oliver

4. "The Red Bungalow" (1919) by Bithia Mary Croker 

5. "The Shadow" (1910) by Edith Nesbit

6. "Herself" (1894) by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

7. "Cain" (1865) by Amelia B. Edwards

Please share your own list.


Monday, September 2, 2024

By Reason of Insanity (1979) by Shane Stevens

By Reason of Insanity is a stark portrait of high and low U.S. life and death. Violent and unflinching, its pity and poignancy linger.